Large sculptures
Cuidado La Tierra ; Attention please!
For this statue Fredy E.Wubben used the trunk of an old palm. She cut it in half and turned it upside down, causing the weathered, wrinkling structure created by pruning the leaf crown, to make a downward movement. Artfully curved iron bars connect the parts. An iron construction has been placed on top of it. Around the main shape hang massive glass drops, which sparkle and reflect surrounding colors. Thus, the trunk becomes a garment, enveloping a living figure. The glass drops with their long stems fall out of eye sockets and slide down the trunk like tears.
Part of the year Fredy lives in Spain, because of the wonderful climate and the relaxed life. You learn to get an eye for the small elements of beauty in the rugged nature. If you have a garden, you soon realize that every plant is a miracle, and trees represent treasures. Shade and pure air are just the first valuables that trees provide us with.
The Spanish peninsula was once overgrown with forest giants. They fell prey to shipbuilding, because Spain was ambitious and needed lots of ships with meter-long masts. In the first place for her discovery voyages, but also for her courageous and sometimes disastrous wars such as the one against the English in 1588, in which as many as sixty ships were lost.
The country never recovered. Deforestation was a fact and Spain is still fighting the drought. Even more reason to cherish the little that is still there, you would think. Her sculpture Cuidado La Tierra talks to us about this. If you are forced to watch how in a beautiful and carefully kept villa garden an old palm is cut down and in no time a decades-long cherished creature disappears, you must raise your voice. Restrained, quiet and sober, as the antithesis of the barbaric violence that gave rise to it.
Cuidado! Spaniards shout at each other when they warn to be careful. Cuidado La Tierra, evokes this image of palm and tears. Fredy is known for her sculptures about fertility and transience. Work in which glass, colors, and light, play an essential role. She never made that massif. Here, the solution she developed together with Richard Price, is just right. The drops in Cuidado la Tierra become larger and heavier downwards. Her message is clear. Don’t let the delicate language in which this sculpture communicates fall on dry ground.
Material and size:
Trunk of a palm tree, wrought iron, solid molded glass.
Height: 195 cm
Diameter: 45 cm
Year: 2020
Cyclus I – Cycle I
Often we stumbled upon the wonder of fertility in her work in Glass. The questions what germinates, when and how, continues to fascinate. In its imagination, the themes “breast and egg” lie close to each other.
The connection with the enigmatic…
In this sculpture Fredy establishes the connection with the enigmatic image of Artemis from Ephesus, in which the breast and the egg fuse. At Fredy all elements of fertility find their clear place again. Around a wooden core they sketch the figure of a woman in steel lines. They orbit around her flowering lap in an eternal Move.
Text: Ans van Berkum
Cyclus II – Cycle II
Landgoed ‘Aas het Schol’ te Wilp – Estate ‘Aas het schol’ in Wilp
The images on the estate ‘Aas het schol’ in Wilp at Deventer are inspired by one of the stories of the Kalevala, the national Finnish epic, with which I came into contact during exhibitions in Finland.
The woman is in one of the creation stories of the Kalevala, the air goddess and water mother Ilmater. She was partially visible while she was lying on the infinite Waters. The brilduikereend laid his eggs on her, from which the universe was born and various Heroes. There are several versions of this creation Story.
For me, the story was quite surprising, because there is no talk about the man, as with Adam and Eve. Man is curious about the early beginnings of his existence and Reproduction. We think it is possible to regulate everything and therefore reproduction, but for many in the modern Western world the natural fertilization of the egg is no longer self-evident.
Glass is the perfect material to depict fertilization/development of the egg cell. The statues were created ‘ La Madre de la Fertilidad ‘ and ‘ Diosa de la Fertilidad ‘.
The images in this series are narrative and have a relationship with comic strip Drawings. The goddesses of fertility are accompanied by a king who wears his fallus on a platter. The Fallus and crown are of blown glass or bronze. The Cup and magic Range are of cast glass.
The blown and in sand cast glass is used in combination with solid wood, cast iron and wrought iron or bronze.
La Danza de la Fertilidad
La Madre and Diosa de la Fertilidad
Material and size:
Wood, bronze, cast glass, forged steel.
Height: 180 centimeter
Dancing Cloud
Material and size: Cast glass, painted steel
107x35x60 cm HxDxW
High Level Talks
Cast glass/lacquered metal
150x50x90 cm HxDxW
Kosmisch ei – Cosmic egg
With the Dutch circle of sculptors an art route through the Amsterdamse Bos with the theme ‘ Connection ‘.
Fredy used Ash wood (trees) from the Amsterdamse Bos and the egg is made from bark of palm trees from spain.
Dado La Vuelta
Universele Levensstroom – Universal Life Stream
Exhibition Boslust – 2017
Organized by the Dutch Circle of Sculptors. Fredy made a gate, a demarcation to create intimacy.
Beautiful series of glass, whether or not in combination with bronze. The King glasses. Monumental statues, paintings and drawings. Spatial work, agile and versatile.
Mercuriusweg 1, 2516 AW, The Hague
Visit only possible by appointment via